Saturday, May 2, 2015

Birdie Birthdays Coming Soon!

Happy May everyone!

Life just "flys" by :)) So much happy flittering and fluttering around our house!

"First Birdie's" birth-day is coming up this month! Wow, she'll be 2 years old. She's doing great and just as happy and beautiful as ever. She loves visiting and hanging out with us when we're at the kitchen table. I just crack up as she loves pecking at my old shinny computer. Such a "vain" girl she is ;) She'll take any opportunity to view her reflection, and peck at the tiny computer lights.

 She's so funny!
It's like she has no "boundaries" and everything is hers!

 Especially anything where she can see her reflection!

 First Birdie gets to free-fly around our family room, but it's so interesting how she is happy and content to stay by and in her "condo". She shows NO interest in getting too close to the Triplet's "condo". But I do know she is very happy now to have her own species to chatter and hang out with... albeit at a distance.

The Triplets are just as sweet and cute as First Birdie of course! Each one has it's own identifying personality traits. So amazing to have been able to participate in nature's most wonderful and fascinating life events, witnessing their growth and development from just days old. They all have foot deformities, but it doesn't inhibit anything they do. I wonder... how would their "disability" have affected their functionality and life span in the wild??

The first one (of the Triplets) to fall from the nest, is most attached to me (Girl). She loves to be hand feed. The other girl and the boy are a bit more skittish, but are very interested in all the different flavors I offer them such as fruits, veggies, grain products. The Girls boss around Boy, and it's funny to watch him react to being bossed by his sisters.

Top to Bottom: 
Boy, Girl, Girl 

His beak is all black now
and he grows more black beard feathers all the time :))

They are very happy in their huge aviary cage. It's right by a large window, so now that the weather is so warm, I open the window and it's beautiful to hear all 4 birdies sing with all the wild birds. I suspect many of the sparrows visiting/living in our yard, are their relatives. Of course we feel bad they are caged, but they know nothing different, and don't exhibit any "frustration behaviors". They are super healthy, preen their feathers, take birdie baths, and poof out their feathers when they are relaxed on their perches, and they eat A Lot of seed! All these behaviors show how happy they are. 

I know now why sparrows are in the "song bird" family. Wow do they sing! So cute how First Birdie now has a whole family to chatter with. I don't think she was familiar with her own tunes before the Triplets came along and began chattering and singing so much.  Funny too, how they chatter and sing so much when there is a lot of human chatter and the TV is on.

Recently our "rescue zoo" added another family member. Poor Charlene was an owner surrender at the local animal shelter in Nov 2014. I had been watching her status for some time hoping she'd be rescued/adopted. But seeing she was still there this March 2015, I just couldn't let her be PTS. She's 11 or 12 and most adopters (sadly) prefer younger cats, kittens. So Charlene has joined our other 2 kitties in their very own "cattery". Every "species group" at our little rescue has their own "secure" environment", as it would mayhem around here, if everyone was free to roam! Not to mention the safety factor. Of course we would LOVE nothing more then to let everyone run around free... but could you imagine..

 Can you believe this darling kitty was surrendered??!!

 And continuing our Bird theme, look at this beauty we saw at a winery that also rescues all kinds of creatures. I have always LOVED peacocks, and would love if one flew in to stay at our house!

We are so fortunate to have this stunning pair visit our hummingbird feeder. This picture just doesn't do them justice, with their naturally BRILLIANT colors!! "Mrs" on the left, "Mr" on the right. 

We have so many spectacular Hummers this year. I haven't been able to get good pictures of them, so here's a selection from online representing the stunning lovlies that come to visit us, drink the sweet nectar of our flowers and clear sugar water we fill the feeders with.

Happy Spring everyone! 
May your skies be blue, your nectar sweet, and the sun shine in your life always. 
May your "feathers" provide you the freedom to soar high, and live your life blissfully with your favorite "flock".


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