Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Feathers & Fluttering & Doing Fine!

Here's baby Birdie in learning to perch and gaining additional feathers daily!
At this time, we've had Birdie for about 9 days and the changes are miraculous!
Happily Birdie's neck is gaining strength and straightening out daily! 
We really thought Birdie might be disabled for life... but heshe sure proved us way wrong!!

Here Birdie is learning to perch on the edge of hisher nest. We still have the nest inside the pet-carrier, as Birdie is not quite ready for the Big Bird cage yet.

 Here Scott is teaching Birdie how to perch on his fingers
or perhaps Birdie is teaching Scott!
Nature is so amazing! This little abandoned Birdie 
knows just how to be a sparrow!

 It's wonderful to watch Birdie learn to balance on hisher feet
and flutter hisher wings.
Birdie's neck is still a little tilted, but getting stronger
and straighter every day!

 Birdie let's Scott know heshe is hungry
or if heshe doesn't like a particular human movement!
Note that little beak open for food
or squawking or pecking!


Here's Birdie showing off hisher beautiful new feathers!
Amazing how everyday when we get up, it seems Birdie
has grown more feathers overnight 
and continues to during the day!

And look at that perfect pose!
Birdie's neck is miraculously healed!
Isn't nature just so amazing!
We will never know what actually happened to Birdie's neck originally...
Was it a birth defect, therefore the parents booted himher out of the nest....
or did Birdie's injury occur when heshe fell from the nest 
and landed hard on the brick porch?

We'll never know why all this happened...
If only Birdie could tell us hisher story!!!

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