I've developed so many healthy feathers so fasssssst, I graduated from my "human-made" nest to my new Big Bird cage! Wow! I've had so many changes in so little time!
I was probably about 4 or 5 days old when I had my life changing fall from my sparrow family nest, around the beginning of the third week of May, 2013.
Crazy how I instantly went from being a "normal" sparrow hatchling, in a "normal" sparrow nest, to something dramatic that landed me on a human front porch, below my sparrow family nest, to being sniffed by a little doggie, who then alerted her humans that I was near death on the ground, to being rescued by these nice humans, who made a warm cozy nest for me and provided me with food, love and care... and now look at me!!! I'm probably about 2 1/2 weeks old now and my neck is straight, I can perch, and I am learning to fly!!! So much so, that I needed out of my little pet-carrier container to a super duper beautiful multilevel bird cage!
Wow! what I life I have now!
I am still being hand fed by my humans, but they have introduced me to these tasty seeds and grains and alfalfa/grass hay from their horses! I even just begun to discover water ! Whooo hoooo, what a great life for a little sparrow that almost didn't make it!!!
I have lots of cool toys and things to explore in my new environment!
And I have all these cool perches to perch on!
Here's Birdie's first time out of the cage
freeeeeee flying and learning to enjoy
just perching and hanging out!
Yiiiippppeeeee!!! here's Birdie learning to
freeeeeee fly and perch outside of the cage!!
Those little wings are PERFECT!!!
Those little wings are PERFECT!!!
And here's Birdie's FIRST spontaneous freeee flight
away from the cage to the highest point in our house
above the fireplace, to the top of this large picture!
So surprising and amazing to witness Birdie
just suddenly take off and fly up up up and away!
Birdie must have thought heshe was flying to the top of a tree or house
as this picture has lots of trees and a house in it.
Natural instincts of animals never cease to totally AMAZE me!
We wondered how we would get Birdie down from here
or how Birdie would figure out how to fly back to the cage...
but yep, you guessed it... nature knows just what to do...
and within about 5 minutes, Birdie just flew right back to the cage!
Confirming, that if Birdie was wild and outside with hisher parents
this would be the beginnings of natural flight training!
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